Cricket is a ball club sport, popular in many countries in the British Commonwealth community. It plays between two teams of 11 players each, on a circular grass field. The purpose of the match is to take two teams taking turns, a serve and a batting team. After all players of the batting team are disqualified, one team will change to pitching the ball, and the other team will enter the court to become the hitting team.
At the beginning of the match, a team sends out two people with sticks to stand at either end of a flat strip called pitch. Each end has a wicket consisting of three wooden sticks stuck into the ground, two wooden sticks lying on top. The other team sent a bowler and some fielders. The pitcher attempts to throw from one end of the field to the other, the goal being to bounce the ball from the ground and break the three wickets of the three wickets on the other end. The person who holds the stick of the opposing team must try to knock the ball out, protect the three cylinders on his side. While the ball was struck far away, the two players with the sticks had to run back and forth between the two ends of the field. Each run counts as one run. The team throwers must catch the ball returned to the field. The two ball team players continue to hit and run back and forth like that and earn points until either of them is thrown out by the team in the following ways:

- Break the three pillars of the ball when serving
- Catch the ball from the batter before it hits the ground (catch)
- Leg before wicket: Make the batter stand out from the front, cover the triangle of the subject and if the referee sees it, a penalty will be issued.
- Using the ball is breaking the goal of the three pillars of the goal while the batter is still running, not able to keep up to the level of the three pillars.
The eliminated player is substituted by another teammate. The team always has two partners. - Scoring:
- Running from one end of the field to the other three cylinders
- Hit the ball to the edge of the court: 4 cells
- Batting without touching the ground or flying outside the boundary line (including flying into the stands): 6 cells